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At Levels 6-10 you will proceed up Vomp Hill, starting on the lower level and working your
way to the top fighting Goblin Thieves, Weavers and Thugs. Weavers will cast Dia and
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Cure on their companions if they link. Goblin Thugs, and Goblins in general, do more
damage in Bastok than in the other nations. Goblin Weavers will cast Poison on you if
you engage them directly. Keep casting Dia, if you have it, which is a huge help when
fighting multiple linked mobs. Onery Sheep have two powerful special abilities (Sheep
Song will silence you and Lamb Chop will deal up to 20 HP damage), and they will link if
you get close enough to one of their companions when you fight. They do not aggro.
Stone Eaters are also present on Vomp Hill but at this stage they give you little XP. At
night you can also face Black Wolves (rare) and Mouse Bats. Goblins become FAR more
aggressive at night, and will link more enthusiastically, so try to avoid them after dark.
9.3. Leveling in Windurst
Levels: 1-10
XP Locations: East & West Sarutabaruta/Giddeus/Hortoro Ruins
Mobs: Tiny Mandragoras, Bees, Goblins, Bats, Carrion Crows, Savannah Rarabs,
Hornets, Crawlers
Windurst is easier than Bastok but monsters here tend to be touch, so be SURE to Check
them before you attack. Windurst is a good nation to sub a WHM or another positive
sub job in. If you are planning to be a Ninja, however, this is the last place I recommend
you be. You will not get the XP or the items you need to advance quickly and make
At Levels 1-3 you will be facing Tiny Mandragoras and Bumble Bees. Tiny Madragoras
are the easiest to level with at this point in the game because of their low HP and
resistances to almost all elements. They will hit twice because all Mandragoras have
MNK jobs, but their attacks are not very strong and their HP is low. The downside is that
they really don t give you much XP at any stage of the game. Bumble Bees do a bit more
damage but also give you more XP and better items than Tiny Mandragoras.
At Levels 3-5 you will be facing Savannah Rarabs, Carrion Crows and Goblin Thugs and
Weavers (as discussed previously.) You will also get your first taste of the Yagado, in the
form of their Initiates, Scribes and Acolytes. Yagado are aggressive and aggro by sight.
They will also link with each other. Acolytes are WHM, Initiates are MNK and Scribes are
BLM. If you are fighting alone I recommend going up against the Initiates first, and then
progressing on to the Acolytes and finally the Scribes as your magic and your melee stats
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Final Fantasy XI Ninja Guide
go up. Yagado do not link as much as Quadavs, but they will link if you are not careful
and one technique I have used is to lure a weak one away from the rest and then run to a
safe distance to fight. Only do this if you have full HP.
At Levels 6-10 you will be moving on to Giddeus and the Hortoro Ruins, where you will
face the Yagado again. You will also begin to encounter Maneating Hornets, who are
weaker than the variety found in Bastok but can do Final Sting, a powerful suicide ability
that can deal up to 35 HP damage. If you kill them quickly enough, however, they rarely
get a chance to use this ability. Magic is very effective against Hornets of all varieties.
You can also fight Mouse Bats and Ding Bats, but they do not give you sufficient XP after
Level 7 to make the fight worthwhile. You will also encounter a variety of Goblins, which
may include Goblin Butchers in this area. Goblin Butchers are EXTREMELY tough and
will most likely check as Tough against you up to Level 10. Do not engage other Goblins
if there are Butchers around they are more aggressive than Weavers, Thieves and
Thugs and will do serious melee damage to you that you will probably be killed from.
Another type you might encounter at this level is the Goblin Alchemist, who has BLM
spells. Slightly less aggressive than the Goblin Butcher, but until you are past Level 10
stick to Thieves, Weavers, Fishers and Thugs.
9.4. Advanced Leveling
After Lvl. 10 the options for where you can level are more limited. Technically you can
level anywhere in the game where there are monsters of a Decent Challenge or higher,
but the information below is the most efficient way to go about it playing as a Ninja.
This section is comprised of all possible monsters that you may fight at any given level,
with accompanying notes on mobs who are particularly difficult, easy, drop a specific item
or are particularly beneficial for the Ninja to kill. Some mobs in the following areas are just
too hard for a player at a certain level, so ALWAYS use the CHECK command before
going into battle, even if you think you should have no problem you can always be
surprised, especially if monsters link.
9.4.1. Level 11-20
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