- Index
- 0415423511.Routledge.Understanding.Terrorist.Innovation.May.2007
- Alcott Luisa May Dluga i zgubna pogoĹ miĹosna
- 11. May Karol Smierc Judasza
- Lawyers in Love 4 Winning Appeal Silber N.M
- Harlan Ellison Love ain,t nothing
- Ginger Chambers All That Love Is (pdf)
- May Karol Czarny Gerard
- Lifestyle by Design 3 Ray of Love
- May Karol Tajemnice klasztoru
- Anna Leigh Keaton [Serve & Protect 01] Five Alarm Neighbor (pdf)
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Matt slowly fucked him from behind.
He hummed in a leisurely way, liking all those ideas, none of which
were really a stretch for him. He quickly rolled out of bed. He had no
idea where their bags had gone to, and he didn t bother with clothes,
because what would have been the point? Once he found Matt,
clothes would only provide an obstacle to getting sweaty and busy,
and his modesty clearly would withstand walking around the house
buck naked. It wasn t as if he were shy or something.
Well, at least not about sex, anyway.
Jayden ducked into the bathroom, expecting to find Matt there, but
once again he came up empty-handed. He wasn t quite ready to
throw in the metaphorical towel yet, so he walked around the house
for a bit, searching for his missing lover. Eventually, though, it became
clear he wasn t going to get his morning wish. Damn, what a shame.
He was just about to holler out the man s name when he heard
faint voices coming from somewhere nearby. Of course he went to
investigate. He wasn t trying to be quiet, but apparently he made little
to no sound, since the two men didn t notice him come to a halt
outside the half-open door.
It had taken Jayden a few seconds to figure out that hearing
voices clearly meant more than one person was talking, and he was
only half-surprised when he saw Matt s companion was no one but
What was he doing here now?
Listening to a private conversation wasn t behavior he was proud
of, but no force in the world would ve been able to pry him away from
his spot right now.
You can t just keep him. Scott s voice sounded reasonable even
though his words were odd.
Why not? Matt countered, and even without being able to see them
clearly, Jayden could picture perfectly the stubborn look on the man s
handsome face.
Conflicting emotions raced through him, his heart wavering
between the love he was starting to feel for Matt and his newfound
worry that Scott was here to talk some sense into his ex-lover, getting
him to leave him before they had gotten their chance.
He s not one of us. He doesn t know what he is getting himself
into, Scott said in his most logical voice.
That had Jayden rolling his eyes. This was about money?
I love him.
Matt, Scott implored, he isn t like us. Do you really want to do
this? There was enough emphasis on the word us to have
Jayden s forehead crinkling in thought; he was aware he was
missing something significant, but for the life of him he couldn t figure
out what.
Jayden was slowly getting the impression they were actually talking
about more than just wealth, because if his lack of funds were the
reason for this conversation, then it didn t quite add up. He might not
understand the subtext in the room, but he could practically feel the air
vibrating with it.
He frowned, leaning closer as if reducing the distance was going to
enable him to understand by osmosis what was going on.
This can t work out. Please, Matt, if you love the guy, think about it
for a minute. You ve got to let him go.
Jayden blinked, feeling his life tilting on its head, because
This isn t up for debate, was Matt s reply, and Jayden couldn t
stand it any longer. He barged into the room, forgetting the fact he
was as naked as the day he was born. His hands found their way
onto his hips, and he was staring down at Matt with an intensity that
surely would ve set the room on fire if such a thing were possible.
What are you talking about? he demanded, question forced out
through clenched teeth. He was panting as if he had run a mile, and
his eyes were narrowed to slits. Hadn t Matt said only last night that
he liked his slanted, cat-like eyes? Well, how would he like it if his
kitten actually used his claws?
For a few moments, silence reigned in the room; both men looked
as if their sweet little cat had morphed into a tiger out of nowhere.
Uhm, excuse me, Scott hurried to say, retreating out of the room
while Matt took a few steps forward.
He was bare-chested, clad only in loose-fitting sweatpants, and his
naked feet were making almost no sound as he walked across the
tiled kitchen floor.
Scott was trying to look out for you, Matt pointed out.
Jayden huffed, crossing his arms over his chest, because from
where he had been standing, it had sounded more like Scott had
been trying to get Matt to dump him. How was that looking out for
Matt tilted his head, his eyes slightly narrowed. Jayden had to
swallow hard when his intense gaze held his for a few seconds
before the man rubbed his jaw as if thinking things through.
Jayden s eyes flickered over to where Scott had disappeared, and
for a moment, the flare of jealousy flashing through him was startling
enough to leave his mouth hanging open. He blinked, closing his lips
as quickly as he could. It wouldn t do to be standing around like some
slack-jawed idiot. It was bad enough he was buck naked while trying
to have a discussion about their relationship. Talk about awkward!
You sure you love me? Matt asked, totally out of the blue, and if
possible at all, Jayden s slanted eyes narrowed even further. Matt
was his, and he wasn t going to back away just because they might
encounter some difficulties. Matt, though, only crooked an eyebrow at
him, clearly amused. Answer me, he demanded.
Heat flared up in Jayden s heart and body, and without realizing it,
his hands balled into fists. I love you; what more do you want me to
say? He shrugged his bony shoulders, sending a slightly crooked
smile toward the other man.
A door banged somewhere in the house, and Jayden sighed. He
sincerely hoped Scott was going away, because he wasn t ready to
run into Matt s ex yet again. He knew Matt was still friends with him
and always would be. He had been very clear on his feelings for the
man. But Jayden still felt very insecure about his own place in Matt s
heart. Until he got that figured out, he would always see Scott as
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