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Reliability (Boulder, Col.: Westview Press, 1984),
nikto nikogda nikogo nichemu ne uchil, Nezavisimaya different contentious matters that came up. Usually
239-240. See also Jan B. de Weydenthal, Bruce D.
gazeta (Moscow), 7 February 1995, 7. such meetings were convened by the General Secretary
Porter, and Kevin Devlin, The Polish Drama: 1980-
29. Maj.-General Vladimir Dudnik, Tainy temnoi himself or by someone whom he authorized to do so. In
1982 (Lexington, Mass.: Lexington Books, 1983), esp.
komnaty , Moskovskie novosti 14 (5 April 1992), 17; the absence of the General Secretary, the meetings were
109, 112-13, and 138-39.
and Juz siedzielismy w czolgach: Z generalem led by whoever had been designated to mind the store.
55. Kuklinski is adamant on this point ( Wojna z
majorem Stanislawem Prochazka, rozmawia Leszek Such meetings differed from official sessions of the
narodem widziana od srodka, 4), but it should be
Mazan, Polityka (Warsaw) 37 (15 September 1990), Politburo in that they were not empowered to adopt
emphasized that he was no longer in Warsaw in Decem-
13. See also Generalmajor S. Prochazka z vojenske decrees, but would only work out recommendations that
ber 1981, when Soviet leaders would have had to decide
obrody rika: Meli jsme okupovat Polsko , Zemedelske would be affirmed later on. This practice began decades
whether to intervene if martial law failed. Moreover,
noviny (Prague), 16 August 1990, 1. ago.
Kuklinski also believes that Jaruzelski (or some other
30. O nastroeniyakh sredi soldatov i ofitserov 43. Kuklinski, Wojna z narodem widziana od srodka,
leader) could have deterred a Soviet invasion by mobi-
podrazdelenii Voiska Pol skogo i VMF PNR, 31.
lizing the army and population as Gomulka did in 1956.
dislotsiruyushchikhsya na Gdan skom poberezh e, 44. O nekotorykh aspektakh raboty Pol skikh organov
The question of whether the Soviet Union would have
Cable No. 183 (TOP SECRET), 14 June 1981, from V. gosbezopasnosti po presecheniyu podryvnoi
invaded has been a source of intense controversy both
Zelenov, Soviet consul-general in Gdansk, in TsKhSD, deyatel nosti oppozitsii (Informatsiya na osnove besed
inside and outside Poland; for sharply conflicting views,
F. 5, Op. 84, D. 611, Ll. 17-19. s rabotnikami gosbezopasnosti PNR), Cable No. 931
see the items cited in the first part of this essay pertain-
31. Kuklinski, Wojna z narodem widziana od srodka, (TOP SECRET), 30 November 1981, from A. Kovalev,
ing to Jaruzelski, Kania, Rakowski, Pavlov, Gribkov,
22-24. first secretary at the Soviet embassy in Warsaw, in
Dubynin, Prochazka, Gorbachev, Dudnik, and Achalov.
32. Vypiska iz protokola No. 37 zasedaniya Politbyuro TsKhSD, F. 5, Op. 84, D. 611, Ll. 29-31; O
56. Zasedanie Politbyuro TsK KPSS 10 dekabrya
TsK KPSS ot 21 noyabrya 1981 goda, L. 6; and O nastroeniyakh sredi soldatov i ofitserov podrazdelenii
1981 goda, L. 4.
nastroeniyakh sredi soldatov i ofitserov podrazdelenii Voiska Pol skogo i VMF PNR, dislotsiruyushchikhsya
57. The emphasis here is on the permanency of the
Voiska Pol skogo i VMF PNR, dislotsiruyushchikhsya na Gdan skom poberezh e, Ll. 17-19; O politicheskoi
loss. Even Andropov s statement suggests no more
na Gdan skom poberezh e, L. 18. situatsii i nastroeniyakh v voevodstvakh yuzhnogo
than a willingness to accept a temporary loss.
33. O nastroeniyakh sredi soldatov i ofitserov regiona PNR (Politpis mo), Cable No. 179 (TOP SE-
58. Interview with Mikhail Gorbachev, in Gorbaczow
podrazdelenii Voiska Pol skogo i VMF PNR, CRET), 12 November 1981, from G. Rudov, Soviet
o stanie wojennym w Polsce: General Jaruzelski postapil
dislotsiruyushchikhsya na Gdan skom poberezh e, L. consul-general in Krakow, to the CPSU Secretariat, in
prawidlowo, Trybuna, 9 November 1992, 2.
19. TsKhSD, F. 5, Op. 84, D. 597, Ll. 13-22; and O
59. Sovetsko-pol skaya vstrecha, Pravda, 5 March
34. Scisle tajne: KPZR o Polsce 1980-81, 10. trevozhnykh faktakh dal neishego davleniya na organy
1981, 1.
35. See, e.g., Vermerk uber ein Gesprach des Narodnoi militsii (MO), Cable No. 94 (SECRET), 27
Generalsekretars des ZK der SED und Vorsitzenden May 1981, from G. Rudov, Soviet consul-general in
Mark Kramer, a scholar affiliated with the Center for
des Staatsrates der DDR, Erich Honecker, mit Genossen Krakow, to the CPSU Secretariat, in TsKhSD, F. 5, Op.
Foreign Policy Development at Brown University
Stefan Olszowski, Mitglied des Politburos und Sekretar 84, D. 611, Ll. 2-3.
and the Russian Research Center at Harvard
des ZK der Polnischen Vereinigten Arbeiterpartei, 20 45. Komisja resortowej badajacej dokumentacje
University, writes frequently on Cold War history.
November 1980, in SAPMDB, ZPA, J, IV 2/2 A/2363. zwiazana ze stanem wojennym, O planach
36. Anlage Nr. 2 zum Protokoll Nr. 48 vom wprowadzenia stanu wojennego, (Warsaw: unpub-
28.11.1980, in SAPMDB, ZPA, J, IV 2/2-1868, Bl. 5. lished report, December 1990), pp. 15-47. RUSSIAN ARCHIVE SERIES
37. For the Soviet Politburo s assessment of the 46. For a general discussion of Soviet decision-making
meeting, see Zasedanie Politbyuro TsK KPSS 11 during the Brezhnev era, see Harry Gelman, The Brezhnev The Russian Publications Project at the Center
dekabrya 1980 goda: 1. Ob itogakh vstrechi Politburo and the Decline of Detente (Ithaca, NY:
for Russian and East European Studies at the
rukovodyashchikh deyatelei gosudarstv-uchastnikov Cornell University Press, 1984). University of Pittsburgh in cooperation with the State
Varshavskogo Dogovora, sostoyavsheisya v Moskve 5 47. On the contingency plans, see the comments of Archive of the Russian Federation (GARF), headed
dekabrya 1980 goda, 11 December 1980, Rabochaya senior officers involved in the planning: Gribkov, by S.V. Mironenko, is publishing a series of
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